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When it comes to cost effective marketing, I have researched and evaluated every strategy known to the advertising media industry.  We have all heard of, or used Google PPC, FaceBook, YouTube, Groupon, Social Living, LinkedIn and other similar social media programs, but which strategy is the best for your specific business?


Simply put, it takes a ton of time to master all of the above, never mind all of them, and most business owners are too busy running day to day operations to make enough time to master the specifics of each of these marketing strategies.


Imagine wrapping the best of the above into one program?  Well, having used all of the above, and the time it takes to produce results, this new program will eliminate the GOOF factor, and we have all GOOFED and wasted money when it comes to advertising, so I had to check out this new program called which I believe is the answer for all businesses.


Yagooft is the new player in the market and is about to launch with a FREE membership to evaluate for yourself how powerful this new system is. It also includes a 50 language translator which will open up sales worldwide for those online based businesses like mine now are.  Imagine instant text and voice translations in real time?  Watch the FREE presentations for both merchant and consumer aspect of program, everything is focused on saving business money, and our customers like with Groupon and Living Social, but better.

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